PoYang_博仰: Green in the moning
PoYang_博仰: Dark lane, silent corner
PoYang_博仰: Those stuff on the wall
PoYang_博仰: A high tech cowboy in Starbucks.
PoYang_博仰: Roast Duck烤鴨
PoYang_博仰: 廣州地鐵
PoYang_博仰: Up and down
PoYang_博仰: 廣州印象
PoYang_博仰: 旅人
PoYang_博仰: Beautiful wishes
PoYang_博仰: walk walk walk
PoYang_博仰: 碰碰車
PoYang_博仰: 黑白鍵
PoYang_博仰: Always grows lower than rails...
PoYang_博仰: A station