poobou: This girl. She's still pretty cute even with grape jelly on her face.
poobou: Lucy's working the haaaair. (Pic sent to me by their dad. Love it.)
poobou: My 2 year-old is wearing a hand-me-down from her sister. It's a size 6. SHE'S TWO. What the heck, Lucy? #gianttoddler (Please excuse the messy playroom.)
poobou: Catie's school Fun Run was... Well, pretty fun.
poobou: Hanging with my short friend at Catie's Fun Run.
poobou: Oh spring. We missed you so.
poobou: Saturday in springtime, part 2.
poobou: From this evening: my folks set up a scavenger hunt at their house for the kids. They had special "detective hats" & magnifying glasses.
poobou: Sleepy long-legged girl using cat as a pillow. Cat has no objection to this at all.
poobou: Haircut before & after. (I was really tired in the before pic, obviously, because DANG.)
poobou: Catie & Lucy swinging in the hammock at Mimi & Pop-Pop's house.
poobou: My mom snuck this pic of me showing the girls something on my phone (I don't remember what it was)
poobou: Fact: when @grace134 tells you to buy a lip stain that is "like magic on all lips," BUY IT. Even though the color of the tube is totally off-putting (I'm not a pastel pink girl.) But Revlon Colorburst balm stain in "Honey" FTW.
poobou: Lucy in the play ambulance at Marbles
poobou: Lucy climbed all the way to the top of the pirate ship, then I had to climb up to get her back down.
poobou: They're on a boat! (at Marbles)
poobou: Lucy the bus driver
poobou: When I walked up to the bus driver's window
poobou: Catie practicing her hockey moves
poobou: Do you mind? We're doing serious news-copter stuff here.
poobou: Catie blocked Lucy from blowing out Pop-Pop's candles too soon.
poobou: The best pic I could get of Pop-Pop with his girls on his birthday.
poobou: My sleepy minion.