polly :): Even more chuffed with my first attempt at Turkish delight!
polly :): Rather pleased with my after dinner mints
polly :): Leave me alone I am trying to sleep....again
polly :): We've decided not to bother with geraniums this year!
polly :): Baby Polly
polly :): Hayden and his new baby sister Polly xx
polly :): New sweatshirt skirt is finished! #refashion #dusting off the sewing machine
polly :): Come on hayden! Faster faster!
polly :): Polly giving me 'the Paddington stare'
polly :): Hayden and mama
polly :): New planner!!! #personal-planner
polly :): Today's present to myself #flowmagazine #mypresemts
polly :): New pattern and sample knit :) #pollymakes #blythe
polly :): Love me love my boots x
polly :): A little bit of love coming this week <3 #pollymakes #lotsoflove
polly :): First attempt at weetabix muffins...now to taste.
polly :): New sets for later today #blythe #pollymakes #handspun # little gems
polly :): Rosie Quartz #strawberryshortcake #custom #pollymakes
polly :): Tilly Topaz #strawberryshortcake #custom #pollymakes
polly :): Yummy knitting #handspun #pollymakes
polly :): Gasp! I've gone all pink!
polly :): A lot of fluff. #pollymakes #ooak #blythe
polly :): Isn't she just the cutest? Polly, my Heroic Rendezvous doll trying on the new knits. #pollymakes #knitting #hrdolly
polly :): Make love... wearing her cozy coat in mohair :) #makieme #pollymakes #knitting
polly :): Winter Jewels - lime #blythe #knitting #pollymakes
polly :): Showing off her cozy onesie :) #blythe #knitting #pollymakes
polly :): The hair....doesn't look much when it's lying on the hairdresser's chair!
polly :): All warm and toasty :) #blythe knitting #pollymakes
polly :): Ok, so I'm bragging now because I scored this too! #abba #supertrouper #charityshopfinds
polly :): I wished for this and when I went in the charity shop it was there in front of me!! The laws of attraction work!! #abba #arrival