playswithfire: Setting up.
playswithfire: Getting an early start on being behind on reading The Economist.
playswithfire: Hey, anyone know what kind of spider this is? It was in one of our phone rooms yesterday.
playswithfire: Found this highly advanced cellphone!
playswithfire: The battery from a 17" PowerBook G4 on top of an iPad mini for scale.
playswithfire: Anyone wanna see if these still work?
playswithfire: ...and then I found this.
playswithfire: Remember these things?
playswithfire: Just to give you an idea of how far back this archaeological excavation in my home office has taken me...
playswithfire: Found this guy just now...
playswithfire: One of my first "official" CS textbooks. Thanks, Mrs. Nolan - you were right. :)
playswithfire: Visiting friends in NJ. this is Eli. He's 4.5 years old but thinks he's 4.5 months old.
playswithfire: I think this Objective C thing might catch on...
playswithfire: Wonder if this thing still works?
playswithfire: Just found this iPad in my office.
playswithfire: Found this awesome hat, though...
playswithfire: Picked up a new computer today.
playswithfire: No, seriously. Witness it. It works.
playswithfire: Now witness the relaxing power of this fully operational patio station!
playswithfire: @iamjaynash @iamchrispierce @garrisonstarr and friends killing it at Rock for the River 12!
playswithfire: The boathouse from on the river. "There is nothing ... half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."
playswithfire: Paradise on the St. Lawrence River.
playswithfire: Beautiful day today.
playswithfire: Hello, Indianapolis.
playswithfire: Biked up a hill & got some great pictures. Fantastic trip!
playswithfire: In the town square in Grammichele.
playswithfire: Married the most amazing woman on Saturday. Couldn't be happier!
playswithfire: It really doesn't get much more New England than this.
playswithfire: T minus two days. Parents have the tent up for the rehearsal dinner.
playswithfire: Ok, let's get this trip started!