Doc Kazi: Ambassadors Ashraf Ghorbal, Sahabzada Yakub and Ardeshir Zahedi in New York
Doc Kazi: FOR SERIOUS STUDENTS OF HISTORY ONLY: The deposed Shah of Iran lashes out at Western Powers including US President Carter, Nat'l Security Adviser Brzezinski and Ambassador Sullivan in his last interview to the Washington Post two months before his death
Doc Kazi: Begum Naheed Iskander Mirza passed away on January 23
Doc Kazi: Ardeshir Zahedi (left) at the funeral of President Iskander Mirza
Doc Kazi: Iranian Prime Minister Hoveyda and Foreign Minister Ardeshir Zahedi wait to join the funeral procession of Iskander Mirza
Doc Kazi: President Yahya Khan with foreign ministers of Turkey and Iran Ihsan Sabri and Ardeshir Zahedi, 1969
Doc Kazi: Iranian top diplomat Ardeshir Zahedi with President Bhutto
Doc Kazi: President and Nancy Reagan with Henry Kissinger and Ardeshir Zahedi
Doc Kazi: The Shah of Iran with President Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Ardeshir Zahedi and Senator George McGovern
Doc Kazi: Iranian Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi with President Nixon
Doc Kazi: Prime Minister Hoveyda leads the funeral procession of Iskander Mirza