photosbysusan!: Paul Whitaker, Letha Wills, Leone Whitaker, Beulah Foster
photosbysusan!: Letha Wills, Paul Whitaker, Beulah Foster
photosbysusan!: Ernie and Sonny Whitaker - Uncle and Nephew
photosbysusan!: My Dad and his Brothers & Sisters
photosbysusan!: The Waughs
photosbysusan!: Leone Whitaker
photosbysusan!: The Goddards
photosbysusan!: Jim, Ted, Myrt, Margaret
photosbysusan!: Jim and Myrt Waugh, Ted Whitaker
photosbysusan!: Jim and Myrt Waugh, Sue Whitaker Farren
photosbysusan!: Jim Waugh
photosbysusan!: Myrt Waugh and Ted Whitaker
photosbysusan!: Myrt Waugh
photosbysusan!: Picnic - Whitaker Style
photosbysusan!: Afghan and Quilt Stand
photosbysusan!: Fincastle, Virginia
photosbysusan!: Debbie and Bill Koontz
photosbysusan!: Carrie Farren and Rebel
photosbysusan!: Carrie Farren and Rebel
photosbysusan!: Carrie Farren and Rebel
photosbysusan!: Jenny Farren and Rebel
photosbysusan!: Debbie Koontz (R) and her sister
photosbysusan!: Debbie Koontz