photosbysusan!: David and Davey Whitaker, Linda
photosbysusan!: Margaret, Helen and Hope Whitaker
photosbysusan!: Hope, Ted and Margaret Whitaker
photosbysusan!: Beulah Whitaker Foster
photosbysusan!: Paul Whitaker and Myrt Whitaker Waugh
photosbysusan!: Jack Whitaker and Ron Foster - Cousins
photosbysusan!: Jan and Carol - Sisters
photosbysusan!: Carol Sue Wills Armstrong and Cathy
photosbysusan!: Jim and Jim Waugh - Father and Son
photosbysusan!: Margaret, Carrie, Jenny, Stacie
photosbysusan!: Linda, Davey and David
photosbysusan!: Helen, David, Sonny, Jack, Steve, Paul, Dorothy
photosbysusan!: Jayme, Paul, Davey, Jarrod, Laura, Helen
photosbysusan!: Sonny, David, Paul, Helen, Jack, Steve
photosbysusan!: David, Sonny, Jack and Steve Whitaker - Brothers
photosbysusan!: Sonny and Jayme Whitaker
photosbysusan!: Carrie, Jenny, Stacie and Dana
photosbysusan!: Carrie Farren and Mrs Payne
photosbysusan!: Ted, Jenny, Stacie, Carrie
photosbysusan!: Stacie Whitaker
photosbysusan!: Hope, Tedd and Stacie Whitaker
photosbysusan!: Ted, Margaret, Hope, Tedd, Jenny, Carrie and Stacie
photosbysusan!: Jenny, Stacie, Steve, Jayme and Carrie
photosbysusan!: Ted Whitaker
photosbysusan!: Ted Whitaker
photosbysusan!: Christopher Cales
photosbysusan!: Christopher Cales