photosbysusan!: Ted Whitaker
photosbysusan!: Ted, Jenny, Carrie and Stacie
photosbysusan!: Ted Whitaker
photosbysusan!: Mom and Dad's property
photosbysusan!: Ted and Stacie Whiaker, Carrie & Jenny Farren
photosbysusan!: Stacie Whitaker and Dorothy Adkins
photosbysusan!: Stacie and Tedd Whitaker, Dorothy Adkins
photosbysusan!: Dorothy Virginia Deaver Adkins
photosbysusan!: Dorothy Virginia Deaver Adkins
photosbysusan!: Stacie Whitaker
photosbysusan!: Stacie Whitaker
photosbysusan!: Margaret Whitaker
photosbysusan!: Ted Whitaker
photosbysusan!: Margaret and Ted Whitaker's property and cows
photosbysusan!: Ted Whitaker's cows
photosbysusan!: My Dad's Cow, Stacie's, calf
photosbysusan!: My Dad's cows
photosbysusan!: My Dad's (Ted Whitaker) cows