Photo&Coffee: Things go urban
Photo&Coffee: Wolves Scream promo picture
Photo&Coffee: Jey, urban fashion.
Photo&Coffee: Marilyn in car
Photo&Coffee: Anonymus
Photo&Coffee: Jérome, high key
Photo&Coffee: Elodie (color)
Photo&Coffee: Elodie in black and white
Photo&Coffee: Jérome, my brother
Photo&Coffee: Vas te faire encadrer !
Photo&Coffee: Jennifer portrait
Photo&Coffee: Seven Tiki : packshot
Photo&Coffee: Absolut rock
Photo&Coffee: Hangover (autoportrait)
Photo&Coffee: Now, Voyager | 25/02/2011
Photo&Coffee: Jey from We Came Bearing Arms
Photo&Coffee: Jesse from We Came Bearing Arms
Photo&Coffee: Stam from We Came Bearing Arms
Photo&Coffee: Flo from We Came Bearing Arms
Photo&Coffee: Dams from We Came Bearing Arms
Photo&Coffee: José et Marlène. 27/11/2010 (005)
Photo&Coffee: My grand mother : Josée
Photo&Coffee: My grand father : Louis
Photo&Coffee: My grand parents : Josée et Louis
Photo&Coffee: Jey and a artificial bokeh
Photo&Coffee: Tong piercing
Photo&Coffee: Seb & Leslie, triptic 2
Photo&Coffee: Seb & Leslie, triptic 1
Photo&Coffee: In a tube