philbonnell: wild turkey
philbonnell: Wot Wot?!
philbonnell: "I ate two orders of nachos. Two!"
philbonnell: leechee Martini or beer, you decide
philbonnell: nacho or beer
philbonnell: DB's nacho salad
philbonnell: Ding hoovers the nacho goodness
philbonnell: DB dramatic departure
philbonnell: "gimme that"
philbonnell: Jealous of Erwin's clean fork, Gillis delivers the hairy eyeball
philbonnell: "Um. That wasn't vegetarian, you know"
philbonnell: nacho-coma
philbonnell: Bistro Green Apple Martini
philbonnell: smiling nice for the underage douchebag skateboarders
philbonnell: post-house-hunting
philbonnell: glory glory
philbonnell: A Strong finish. Jason still talking about survivorman.
philbonnell: Marni models a Petite Corona by Frank Correnti