philbonnell: Oil troubles
philbonnell: No Oil
philbonnell: Mmmmm... they melt in my mouth?
philbonnell: Hmmmm... what to eat
philbonnell: Striking the camp
philbonnell: Apres toot
philbonnell: Stumbling to bed
philbonnell: Randy Baba
philbonnell: Randy Baba
philbonnell: fockinnnnn...
philbonnell: hello vinnie
philbonnell: TL and Baba
philbonnell: darkwalk
philbonnell: darkwalk II
philbonnell: back at camp
philbonnell: burn barf burn
philbonnell: Ol' snoozy
philbonnell: Two fingers
philbonnell: picnic game
philbonnell: WTF eyes
philbonnell: Snoozy
philbonnell: zoom zoom
philbonnell: zoom zoom II
philbonnell: zoom zoom III
philbonnell: Dave Skiiing
philbonnell: boat chillin'
philbonnell: boat chillin' II
philbonnell: Ledge's dislocated shoulder
philbonnell: Gitmo on deck