cat collier martinez: Bitter Water:Posturing/Pretending Tree
cat collier martinez: Bitter Water:Posturing/Pretending Tree
cat collier martinez: WIP:pretending/posturing tree:leaf/branch detail
cat collier martinez: WIP:pretending/posturing tree:leaf detail
cat collier martinez: WIP:pretending/posturing tree:detail
cat collier martinez: WIP:p/p tree:profile detail
cat collier martinez: WIP:p/p tree:backup detail
cat collier martinez: WIP:p/p tree:one of my favorite parts
cat collier martinez: WIP:pretending/posturing tree:detail{middle}
cat collier martinez: WIP:pretending/posturing tree:detail
cat collier martinez: WIP:pretending/posturing tree
cat collier martinez: WIP:pretending/posturing tree
cat collier martinez: WIP:pretending/posturing tree
cat collier martinez: WIP:pretending/posturing tree:detail
cat collier martinez: WIP:pretending/posturing tree:detail
cat collier martinez: WIP:pretending/posturing tree
cat collier martinez: pretending tree
cat collier martinez: pretending tree
cat collier martinez: under blue-pretending tree detail
cat collier martinez: cropped detail-pretending tree
cat collier martinez: at the top edge
cat collier martinez: pretending tree detail
cat collier martinez: spt with pretending tree
cat collier martinez: bitter water-posturing/pretending tree
cat collier martinez: bitter water-posturing/pretending tree
cat collier martinez: bitter water-posturing/pretending tree detail
cat collier martinez: bitter water-posturing/pretending tree
cat collier martinez: the posturing tree/bitter water
cat collier martinez: the posturing tree/bitter water
cat collier martinez: the posturing tree/bitter water