P.E.T. shots:
flight... 8613rs
P.E.T. shots:
portrait rs-6523
P.E.T. shots:
Blue Jay...rs-7496
P.E.T. shots:
thirsty Blue Jay...rs-6828
P.E.T. shots:
gray catbird rs-6809
P.E.T. shots:
Tufted Titmouse...rs-6862
P.E.T. shots:
P.E.T. shots:
Bluebird... rs-6438
P.E.T. shots:
blue boys... rs-1
P.E.T. shots:
Lady Bluebird rs-6123
P.E.T. shots:
Bluebird portrait ... rs-5788
P.E.T. shots:
cloud cover-5993
P.E.T. shots:
BlueJay cr-0302
P.E.T. shots:
Male and Female Bluebirds RS
P.E.T. shots:
running with food! cr2-7855
P.E.T. shots:
tiny clam!!! cr-7690
P.E.T. shots:
look behind you. cr-7880
P.E.T. shots:
American Oystercatcher - someplace to be!-7343
P.E.T. shots:
Ruddy Turnstone c-6650
P.E.T. shots:
Red knot c -6730
P.E.T. shots:
Osprey portrait female c-6464
P.E.T. shots:
*sandpiper cr-3987
P.E.T. shots:
Tern Juvy tagged cr-3690
P.E.T. shots:
say hello to my little friend cr-3769
P.E.T. shots:
me and my shadow cr-3653
P.E.T. shots:
Black Skimmer Juvy Tandem cr-3704
P.E.T. shots:
sandpiper cr-3535
P.E.T. shots:
Oyster Catcher at the nest -2720
P.E.T. shots:
cr Oyster Catcher headin home-2711
P.E.T. shots:
precious cargo