Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 01 - Type Specimens
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 02 - Aradidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 03 - Acanthosomatidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 04 - Pentatomidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 05 - Pentatomidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 06 - Pentatomidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 07 - Pentatomidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 08 - Pentatomidae and Tessartomidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 09 - Scutelleridae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 10 - Plataspidae and Cydnidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 11 - Various (mainly Lygaeidae)
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 12 - Various
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 13 - Lygaeidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 14 - Alydidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 15 - Rhopalidae and Coreidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 16 - Coreidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 18 - Coreidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 19 - Coreidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 20 - Tingidae and Miridae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 21 - Miridae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 22 - Various
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 23 - Reduviidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 24 - Reduviidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 25 - Reduviidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 26 - Reduviidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 27 - Belostomatidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 28 - Various
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 29 - Cicadidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 30 - Cicadidae
Perth Museum and Art Gallery:
Drawer 31 - Cicadidae