Scott W. Schmidt:
Honoring-the-Clans Sculpture Garden
Scott W. Schmidt:
U.S. Air Force
Scott W. Schmidt:
Folding Casket Flags
Scott W. Schmidt:
Lowering the Flags
Scott W. Schmidt:
Lowering the Flags
Scott W. Schmidt:
Feathering Ceremony
Scott W. Schmidt:
Miss Winnebago
Scott W. Schmidt:
Winnebago Veteran's Pow-Wow
Scott W. Schmidt:
Grand Entry
Scott W. Schmidt:
21 Gun Salute
Scott W. Schmidt:
Stars and Stripes
Scott W. Schmidt:
Eagle Feather Staff
Scott W. Schmidt:
Winnebago Veteran's Pow-Wow
Scott W. Schmidt:
Winnebago Veteran's Pow-Wow