~Cess~: Freaky...
ronzigler: Golden-crowned Kinglet_67A2835
AndyPollardFalklands: Albatross Connection
stan sutton: Blackbird nesting in my garden _MG_0790
Kerguélen31: Quand le Martin défend son perchoir
~Cess~: See u!
hotte54: Zwergohreule..
philippeoros: Martin Pêcheur d'Europe
Fia by Marv: wintertime
Kerguélen31: Effet miroir avant impact dans l'eau
~Cess~: Shake yourself!
gille33: Calopteryx splendens (4).
~Cess~: The eye
Kerguélen31: Perdrix rouge
Bigpete7536@hotmail.com: Barge hudsonienne - Hudsonian godwit Yamachiche Septembre - September 2023
lukaszW75: Landing
gianni_62: Ixobrychus minutus - Little bittern - Blongios nain - Tarabusino Juv.
~Cess~: Ahead of its time... ~Explored~
~Cess~: Eternity
Bernard Fabbro: blongios nain / little bittern 23K_6456
~Cess~: Smooth light ~Explored~
celia.hbre: Rousserolle effarvatte juvénile
Bernard Fabbro: crabier chevelu / squacco heron 23I_2635
andriot.jac: Affût
danychou: bihoreau gris
Alvaro Colombo: Athene noctua / Civetta / Little owl
Guillaume , tlse: Echasse blanche