© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: ballerina wannabe [eXpLorEd]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: 31/365...oh no, not again ! [eXpLorEd]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: 3/365...now my love is flown away the air is full of calling, dewy voices that allay thirst and dust-annoy, tones that haunt the hall of time, crystal echoes falling from some far, ethereal chime whose bell-ringer is joy. [eXpLorEd]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: 65/365...eLusivE [eXpLorEd]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: 71/365...farewell, icon of democracy. [eXpLorEd]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake? [eXpLorE !]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: at last, my love has come along [Explore highest position # 2 & Explore Front Page]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: Friends are the sunshine of life. [eXpLorE !]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: I wonder if tonight you're thinking of me. [explore !]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: my happy first day of 2011! [Front Page + Explore #9]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: birds of the same feather [Explore!]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: constant togetherness [Explore! #262]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: Holding on to anger [Explore! #164]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: be very very quiet. [Explore! #278]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: go against the grain [Explore #168]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: We read to know we are not alone. [Explore #142]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there. [Explore # 4]
© paperdoll [busy nocturnal creature]: One day you’ll be the best butterfly. [Explore #248]