Pana53 the photographer:
Kraniche (Grus grus) - Nahrungssuche (1)
Pana53 the photographer:
Kraniche (Grus grus) - Nahrungssuche (4)
Pana53 the photographer:
Kraniche (Grus grus) - Nahrungssuche (3)
Pana53 the photographer:
Kraniche (Grus grus) - Nahrungssuche (2)
Pana53 the photographer:
Kraniche (Grus grus) - Nahrungssuche (6)
Pana53 the photographer:
Kraniche (Grus grus) - Nahrungssuche (5)
Pana53 the photographer:
Seeadler (Haliaeetus albicilla) - Jagend (1)
Pana53 the photographer:
Seeadler (Haliaeetus albicilla) - Jagend (3)
Pana53 the photographer:
Seeadler (Haliaeetus albicilla) - Jagend (2)
Pana53 the photographer:
Seeadler (Haliaeetus albicilla) - Jagend (4)
Pana53 the photographer:
Kranich (Grus grus) - Nahrungssuche (2)
Pana53 the photographer:
Schwäne (Cygnus olor) - Im Flug
Pana53 the photographer:
Schwan (Cygnus olor) - Im Flug
Pana53 the photographer:
Kranich (Grus grus) - Nahrungssuche
Pana53 the photographer:
Kranich (Grus grus) - Jung- und Altvogel (2)
Pana53 the photographer:
Kranich (Grus grus) - Jung- und Altvogel
Pana53 the photographer:
Stockente (Anas platyrhynchos) (m) - Sequenz einer Flugstudie
Pana53 the photographer:
Graureiher (Ardea cinerea) - Sitzend
Pana53 the photographer:
Kegelrobbe (Halichoerus grypus) - Schöne Träume - lovely dreaming
Pana53 the photographer:
Stare (Sturnus vulgaris) - . . . in alle Richtungen schauend
Pana53 the photographer:
Wacholderdrossel (Turdus pilaris) (2)
Pana53 the photographer:
Star (Sturnus vulgaris) (2)
Pana53 the photographer:
Star (Sturnus vulgaris) (3)
Pana53 the photographer:
Star (Sturnus vulgaris) (4)
Pana53 the photographer:
Wacholder drossel (Turdus pilaris) (1)
Pana53 the photographer:
Star (Sturnus vulgaris) - On the beach
Pana53 the photographer:
Bergfink (Fringilla montifringilla) (w) - Ruhend (5)
Pana53 the photographer:
Bergfink (Fringilla montifringilla) (m) - Ruhend (6)
Pana53 the photographer:
Bergfink (Fringilla montifringilla) (m) - Ruhend (3)
Pana53 the photographer:
Bergfink (Fringilla montifringilla) (m) - Ruhend (4