overflow50: Sunrise1
overflow50: Sunrse2
overflow50: Dave Sunrise Groundhandle1
overflow50: Dave Sunrise Groundhandle2
overflow50: Dave Sunrise Groundhandle3
overflow50: Waiting Waiting
overflow50: Dave looking serious
overflow50: Michael said to take a photo
overflow50: Joel looking optimistic
overflow50: Martyn Groundhandling1
overflow50: Martyn Groundhandling2
overflow50: God Rays
overflow50: Martyn on death glide
overflow50: Given up for the day
overflow50: Joel given up
overflow50: Migs Groundhandling
overflow50: Migs waiting out a lull (another one)
overflow50: Nice looking Sky
overflow50: Migs and Michael
overflow50: Michael Soaring1
overflow50: Michael Soaring2
overflow50: IMGP7270
overflow50: IMGP7274
overflow50: Michael Soaring3
overflow50: Michael Soaring4
overflow50: Skyman back in the sky
overflow50: Duty calls
overflow50: The lesser spotted *friendly* Gearies Wedgetail