Ales Kot: Above/Below
Ales Kot: Bought in Vegas.
Ales Kot: Courtenay
Ales Kot: Me & Zo
Ales Kot: Cold Cave
Ales Kot: Hicksville
Ales Kot: Hicksville Ants
Ales Kot: Hicksville Ants
Ales Kot: Elysian Park
Ales Kot: Elysian Park
Ales Kot: Near Dark
Ales Kot: San Pedro Bunny
Ales Kot: A Perfect Sunset in LA
Ales Kot: Saturday, 1:28 AM, Workroom
Ales Kot: Weird was encountered.
Ales Kot: The house with no gypsies inside
Ales Kot: Weird visual patterns started to emerge
Ales Kot: Trees were everywhere
Ales Kot: Weather was changing
Ales Kot: Birds were tired
Ales Kot: Many trees were lifted
Ales Kot: Lifting trees for money
Ales Kot: 020509
Ales Kot: My old balcony.