mrclean: The Dead Milkmen 2008
Ян-BoY: 亮点
T-Money18: Yeonhee and The Piano Man
schamis: Old Man on a Bike
tagetes1: Mike and Michelle Wiiing
tagetes1: New Year's WiiEve 2007
schamis: drivers_license
suerob: African Pygmy Kingfisher
Jeff Clow: Macro Mantis Model
Ruhfdog: Michael and me (again!)
tagetes1: And then I said, "Mabel..."
bluberd: gimme dat ding!
=Doy: Smeagol??
MazzaPix: McNaught Comet from Black Rock
john white photos: McNaughts Comet Eyre Peninsula South Australia
--jw--: Who's that guy on the right with the big grin?
J Gilbert: Long legs
soxiam: special mail delivery
Orbital Joe: Willemite, Calcite and Franklinite