omersad: DSC06407 Dropping off the pilot II
omersad: DSC06402 Dropping off the pilot
omersad: DSC06400 "KORSARO" on the way to Atlantic
omersad: DSC06350 Approaching Lisbon-Vasco de Gama Bridge
omersad: DSC06356 On the way to the city center
omersad: DSC06574 Stroll & Smoke
omersad: DSC06469 Old & Modern
omersad: DSC06475 Royal Barge-Museo di Marinha
omersad: DSC06508 Modern trams of Lisbon
omersad: Cameras in Action
omersad: DSC06413 Untitled or Where shall we go next?
omersad: DSC06558 One flew over...
omersad: DSC06792 From one end..
omersad: DSC06793 to the other..
omersad: DSC06808 One after another
omersad: DSC06359 S. Sebastiao station.
omersad: DSC06403 April Bridge- Golden Gate of Lisbon
omersad: DSC06575 Tres amigos-Lunch break
omersad: DSC06705 Views from the tram-Very close to the tram line.
omersad: DSC06734 Going downhill-Tram driver was a lady.
omersad: DSC06741 Students performing for donations
omersad: As real as can be.
omersad: Alternatives for touring the city.
omersad: DSC06667 Waiting for the costumers to leave.
omersad: DSC06684 One of my favorite drinks.
omersad: DSC06820 Streets:Universal bedroom.
omersad: DSC06839 Streets:Universal bedroom II.
omersad: DSC06847 I can always go down there for a...
omersad: DSC06587 Everyone to their own.
omersad: DSC06603 Pulling into the station