iancowe: The tide rushes in at the Bell Rock lighthouse (12 miles off Arbroath), Angus, Scotland
Pitheadgear: Manchester Museum, Bronze Age stone hammer heads Alderley Edge Copper Mines c 1750 BC
Vicki's Nature: Halloween pennant - male
fugle: Blue-eyed Darner (Rhionaeschna multicolor). Aeschnidae
Rezamink: Elephant Hawkmoth (Deilephila elpenor)
FadeToBlackLP: Pilgrimage
FadeToBlackLP: Magpie Mine
beetle2001cybergreen: Boxed Star Wars Vintage Collection X-Wing Fighter
Nick James: Jodrell Bank
Ant_H.: Ring of Light
Vicki's Nature: Blackwater clubtail (Gomphus dilatatus) - friendly female
dannyhennesy: Robot Toy Vintage style sci-fi space red Pyrobot retro droid
Tony Worrall: Roman gravestones in Newcastle, England
Lord V: The Autumn soldier fly Sargus bipunctatus #4
jvarley19: Whalley Bridge Autumn
Lord V: Hoverfly on my finger #1
Lord V: Male Chironomid midge
Stereotron: Altstadt von Dresden 3-D / Kreuzblick / Stereoskopie
Kieran H: Southerner on the Alps
worldsfair39: The "time cave"
Lord V: 3-D Hebe flower spike #1
Emma Reynard: lanthorn
Carrie8706: Antique lantern
Tony Worrall: Recording Stockport - Robinsons Brewery
FadeToBlackLP: 230.366.2020
Ant_H.: Geodh Mhàrtainn
Ant_H.: Assynt Storm
John Tymon: Emperor Dragonfly - Anax imperator