the_obs: 2005_0927randoms0032
the_obs: 2005_0927randoms0033
the_obs: 2005_0927randoms0034
the_obs: headphones
the_obs: light
the_obs: burney
the_obs: Duck
the_obs: Star-foot
the_obs: DSCF0655
the_obs: Joey-Star Quarterback
the_obs: experimental jo
the_obs: Laura
the_obs: Joey
the_obs: 2005_0831Experimental0005
the_obs: 2005_0831Experimental0006
the_obs: 2005_0831Experimental0015
the_obs: 2005_0831Experimental0027
the_obs: alot of hair
the_obs: scrumple face
the_obs: someones grumpy in the morning
the_obs: thinking
the_obs: Laura and I, completely sobe of course
the_obs: Laura and Me
the_obs: 2005_0927randoms0080
the_obs: 2005_0927randoms0083
the_obs: hiding
the_obs: DSCF1233
the_obs: 2005_1007October0003
the_obs: 2005_1007October0004
the_obs: 2005_1007October0006