notratched: I'm in love with these sunflowers. Spring in Kansas (both days of it) is on the way!
notratched: Autumn driveway
notratched: Come on down #parkinggarage #bw #creepy
notratched: Commute on the plains #kansas #sunset
notratched: Cornerscape
notratched: Rambling roses
notratched: Drive-through pharmacy
notratched: Twin trees in silos
notratched: Kansas commute
notratched: Buckeye silo
notratched: She'd
notratched: Spring rainy drive
notratched: This tree grew right up through a tractor without bothering to go around
notratched: Flat tire
notratched: Reflections in a window
notratched: Tomatoes
notratched: Spokes
notratched: Car wash
notratched: How much is that heart in the window?
notratched: Rainbow bridge
notratched: Bird bath
notratched: Morning routines
notratched: Frozen berries
notratched: Pit bull studying ice outside
notratched: The soul takes flight
notratched: Many-me's #reflections
notratched: Cozy holiday morning
notratched: Narcissus, thy name is dog
notratched: World's only warthog-dachshund catching some rays