Noted Chef: Sliced
Noted Chef: One side exploded
Noted Chef: The pretty side
Noted Chef: Decoration
Noted Chef: Proofed
Noted Chef: Ready for proofing
Noted Chef: After 2 folds and 5.5hrs rising time
Noted Chef: Banneton
Noted Chef: The start
Noted Chef: After autolyse
Noted Chef: After kneading
Noted Chef: Firm starter after a couple of builds
Noted Chef: Consistency after kneading
Noted Chef: Checking post kneading temp
Noted Chef: Risen Oblong Loaf
Noted Chef: Oblong Loaf
Noted Chef: Fendu Style Boule
Noted Chef: Sourdough Olive Bread
Noted Chef: Sourdough Olive Bread
Noted Chef: Sourdough Olive Bread
Noted Chef: Sour\
Noted Chef: Great eaten with brie and fig paste
Noted Chef: Fig and almond bread
Noted Chef: After rise, ready to bake
Noted Chef: Almond crusting
Noted Chef: Dried figs and chopped almonds for bread
Noted Chef: Done bagels
Noted Chef: Toppings
Noted Chef: Proofing
Noted Chef: Rolling