justgrimes: better fitbit stats
justgrimes: klouchebag score: 45; quite noisy kb who abuses retweets and the english language
justgrimes: fitbit data infographic automagically created by notch.me
justgrimes: sugar, we're going down...
justgrimes: Social Network Graph - LinkedIn 4-6-2012 LinkedIn Labs | InMaps
justgrimes: Social Network Graph of Facebook 4-6-2012 Challenger Network Graph on Facebook
justgrimes: Promethease report
justgrimes: Opower
justgrimes: www.cherryblossom.org results 2012 2012cucb5k m.htm
justgrimes: Cherry Blossom 2012 5K 27:17; pace 8:47 mile
justgrimes: Google Stats 3/28/2012
justgrimes: ….well that answers that
justgrimes: I am the 3%
justgrimes: Got Neanderthal DNA?
justgrimes: teeth trouble
justgrimes: RescueTime | Dashboard
justgrimes: Operation Solid 'Stache?
justgrimes: Choose an adventure
justgrimes: Operation Solid 'Stache? Plan
justgrimes: maybe i need to ease up on the twitter...
justgrimes: Twitter visual.ly infographic for @justgrimes
justgrimes: I feel so tiny
justgrimes: its like i gave up on the internet
justgrimes: retinal imaging (2011)
justgrimes: retinal imaging (2011)
justgrimes: retinal imaging (2011)
justgrimes: retinal imaging (2011)
justgrimes: retinal imaging (2011)
justgrimes: retinal imaging (2011)
justgrimes: retinal imaging (2011)