nobrinskii: What can I target on ?
nobrinskii: 畑のしだれ桜
nobrinskii: 畑のしだれ桜
nobrinskii: 朝霧の桜 - Cherry blossoms in the fog
nobrinskii: 桜と提灯 - Japanese Style
nobrinskii: 石山寺の多宝塔 - Tower in Temp. Ishiyamadera
nobrinskii: 桜は平等
nobrinskii: 八幡堀の桜 - a snapshot at Hachiman-bori
nobrinskii: 八幡山の麓 - the foot of Mt. Azuchi
nobrinskii: 安土城跡入り口 - the start to the site of Azuchi Castle
nobrinskii: JA横の桜 - a cherry tree in a side of JA
nobrinskii: ツクシと桜 - horsetails and cherry tree
nobrinskii: half cherry blossoms street
nobrinskii: 石山寺山門 - the gate of Temp. Ishiyamadera
nobrinskii: 安土城大手道より - from Azuchi Castle.
nobrinskii: 米子城跡より - from the site of Yonago castle
nobrinskii: 雪の下町 - downtown after snow
nobrinskii: その先は、 - Where this road lead me is...
nobrinskii: 境 - Borderline
nobrinskii: いつか忘れたあの言葉、 - That words forgotten at one time,
nobrinskii: 玄宮楽々園 - Genkyurakurakuen Garden
nobrinskii: 彦根城博物館庭園 - The garden in Hikone Castle Museum
nobrinskii: 彦根城にて - at Hikone Castle
nobrinskii: こも巻き - straw belt
nobrinskii: ベスパの生息地 - a place of vespa
nobrinskii: 宇宙船 - space ship
nobrinskii: 夕焼け - sunset