N!ladr!: Day 1 Sutkari Base Camp (8700 Ft)
N!ladr!: Me & My Master....
N!ladr!: Start Off...
N!ladr!: Horse Power!!!
N!ladr!: Touch Wood!!!
N!ladr!: On the Rocks...
N!ladr!: God's Own Garden..
N!ladr!: Our First Lunch Point...
N!ladr!: Looking back to the Lunch Point.. :)
N!ladr!: Walk Walk Walk..... :P
N!ladr!: Flow in between...
N!ladr!: Long way on Ice..
N!ladr!: Bond!!!
N!ladr!: Horse on Ice...
N!ladr!: "Hello Toffee".. Their Favorite two words.. :P
N!ladr!: Keeping an eye on....
N!ladr!: Nichnai Pass...
N!ladr!: On the Green Carpet...
N!ladr!: They are coming...
N!ladr!: Flowers of Kashmir...
N!ladr!: After a loooooong walk..Finally Our Campsite at Nichnai (11,500ft)..
N!ladr!: Another view of our Nichnai Campsite..
N!ladr!: Evening Chit-chat..While Chacha trying to light some fire...
N!ladr!: An Amazing Evening...
N!ladr!: Fun-Time!! :D :D
N!ladr!: Last lights of the Day...
N!ladr!: Enough for 1st Day... Good Night... :) :)
N!ladr!: Day : 2 - Another Beautiful Morning.. :)
N!ladr!: Let Them Free!!!
N!ladr!: Sky is the Limit...!!