yuan2003: Whiteout 2
dee410: DSC01019
rob bissey: Ohio State vs. Penn State
dustin2470: Penn State vs Notre Dame Sept 8, 2007
theabsquared: IMG_1874
nittanylion1991: Beaver Stadium White Out
trinabauer: Heavenly light
110Penned: 120127 Joe Paterno Shrine
ByTheMoose: Mt. Nittany Beaver Stadium
psuhockeychick: PSU - The Sun Still Rises (4861_fix_crop)
Julie Rubes: Big Ten Football Coaches
mattymead: pennstate
tinahay: DSC_0245_Joyner_Franklin_Erickson_full
tinahay: DSC_0269_Joyner_Franklin_Erickson_full
Fran Sonne photos: Beaver Stadium at night Penn State
Fran Sonne photos: Penn State beat Michigan 10/30/10
stingrayintl: Penn State-Michigan 10-30-10 (35)
ByTheMoose: JoePa and SuePa with 400 sign
Fran Sonne photos: Penn State football
Box of Light: i know the feeling.
PennStateFootball: GOPSF_Carousel_StadExp
Jim Watkins Photography: Michigan Avenue, North to the Magnificent Mile (Chicago)
swisharoo: PennState's Beaver Stadium pano
Trey Ratcliff: My Kinda Town
tayler.jean: Penn State
Storm Crypt: Chicago's Two Tallest Towers
SolarWind - Chicago: Trump Tower
PennStateMRI: Millennium Science Complex
obsidianspider: IMG_4683