NH53: A view of Snæfellsjökull
NH53: The southern coastline of the Snæfellsnes peninsula
NH53: Traditional grass-roofed building in Arnarstapi
NH53: Snow on the mountains
NH53: More snow on the mountains near Akureyri
NH53: The waterfall Dettifoss
NH53: Another view of Dettifoss...
NH53: ... and another
NH53: Yet another picture of Dettifoss
NH53: Sellfoss, the next waterfall upstream
NH53: River crossing
NH53: The geothermal area of Námaskarð
NH53: Crossing recent lava near Leirhnjúkur
NH53: Close of up small shrubs
NH53: Aldeyjarfoss
NH53: Pseudocraters at Lake Myvatn
NH53: One of the many glacial tongues of the Vatnajökull icecap
NH53: Queen Canute!
NH53: Glacier
NH53: Ragna and our cook walking back from Sólheimajökull
NH53: Climbing out from Þórsmörk
NH53: As we got higher, it clouded over
NH53: At the highest point, the pass of Fimmvörðuháls (1116m)
NH53: One of many waterfalls on the way down to Skógafoss
NH53: Another of the many waterfalls
NH53: The geysir Strokkur starting to erupt
NH53: Strokkur just before another eruption
NH53: Tour group at Þingvellir