neronat: Botathaung Pagoda
neronat: Shwedagon before the rain.
neronat: Karawait in HDR
neronat: Water Lily
neronat: Shwedagon on Sunday
neronat: Glass
neronat: The one that got away! (Not this time)
neronat: Dreamy
neronat: Good luck charm ??
neronat: Mundane Beaut
neronat: Apple
neronat: Pick one!
neronat: Immortal
neronat: This's mine!
neronat: B&B for a Bee
neronat: Business lunch
neronat: Buddy-buddy
neronat: Twin Tower
neronat: Forerunner
neronat: Move out!
neronat: Pelican in the rain.
neronat: Sabi Star or Desert Rose or Adenium obesum
neronat: Young Palm
neronat: Nostalgia
neronat: Lotus