◢nelag◣: Jack-o'-lantern 1 light on
◢nelag◣: Jack-o'-lantern 1 light off
◢nelag◣: Jack-o'-lantern 2 light on
◢nelag◣: Jack-o'-lantern 2 light off
◢nelag◣: Coprinus sterquilinus
◢nelag◣: Lepiota americana
◢nelag◣: Leucoprinus birnbaumii
◢nelag◣: Shelves of Nature
◢nelag◣: Tremella mesenterica
◢nelag◣: Boletellus ananas
◢nelag◣: Variety of Life
◢nelag◣: Hidden in the Brambles
◢nelag◣: The Funnel Mushroom
◢nelag◣: Amanita polpyramis
◢nelag◣: Boletus fraternus
◢nelag◣: Pisolithus tinctorius
◢nelag◣: Stereum complicatum
◢nelag◣: Opened
◢nelag◣: Pycnoporus sanguienus
◢nelag◣: Lycoperdon marginatum
◢nelag◣: Tremella fuciformis
◢nelag◣: Omphalotus olearius
◢nelag◣: Bacteria?
◢nelag◣: Leucocoprinus birnbaumii
◢nelag◣: Boletus viridiflavus ?
◢nelag◣: Hygrophorus conicus
◢nelag◣: Golden