When I picked up David from school today he seemed… I don't know… not himself. Can't quite put my finger on it, but it'll come to me eventually.
Nearly finished my Baltika No. 9. I no longer care about the price of vodka here at the Russian Feastival. Not do I care that Ana photo-bombed my picture. :)
I have a new respect for America's founding persons. Throw off the God established authority? Not a big fan. But beer recipes? Very big fan. I haven't gotten Ben Franklin's recipe yet because, well, I didn't want to catch anything, if you know what I'm sa
New frig! The very first appliance we've ever purchased together. Or apart for that matter. I suppose in another 16 years we'll get another appliance.
New frig! The very first appliance we've ever purchased together. Or apart for that matter. I suppose in another 16 years we'll get another appliance.
This rum is freakin' amazing. Got it at #bin604, but not because I've heard of it… because it was expensive. Pretension pays off again!
On the nightstand: a brand new Nook! Record month in October for my little web design biz (which isn't saying much), so I decided to treat myself. Now, to the latest issue of Vanity Fair on my iPad…
Our Henry III asters are starting to bloom! Picked up some winter-blooming heather the other day. It'll be nice when December rolls around and there's still color in the yard.
The label says "Intense dark berries, tobacco and chocolate…" You can see why I bought it. It's a little young, but it has one of my most favorite wine characteristics: it's chewy. I love chewy wine!
L's Passion Flower finally bloomed. In the Victorian language of flowers "passion flower" means "religious superstition". But I won't say anything if you won't…
I almost murdered another mantis while pruning the hyssop. This must be Manny's older brother, obviously a steroid user… 6" long!