NatalieShockleePhotography: afternoon shadows in summertime
NatalieShockleePhotography: we become the stories we tell ourselves
NatalieShockleePhotography: “It seemed that everywhere you went, people quickly adapted to the way they had to live, and called it life.”
NatalieShockleePhotography: lou dog after jumping in the water
NatalieShockleePhotography: the happiest pup around
NatalieShockleePhotography: rock formations at the pinnacles park outside of columbia, missouri
NatalieShockleePhotography: Who knows what you might learn from taking a chance on conversation with a stranger? Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle.
NatalieShockleePhotography: louie going swimming for the first time
NatalieShockleePhotography: the beauty of a midwet summer
NatalieShockleePhotography: thunder calls, through waterfalls
NatalieShockleePhotography: lou's first time at the pinnacles
NatalieShockleePhotography: this dog loves the water...
NatalieShockleePhotography: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
NatalieShockleePhotography: shades of rocks ~
NatalieShockleePhotography: “If you don't know where you're going, any road'll take you there”
NatalieShockleePhotography: The right thing and the easy thing are never the same.
NatalieShockleePhotography: nature's texture
NatalieShockleePhotography: “Water belongs to us all. Nature did not make the sun one person's property, nor air, nor water, cool and clear.”
NatalieShockleePhotography: rock formations at the pinnacles park
NatalieShockleePhotography: “It is life, I think, to watch the water. A man can learn so many things.”