NatalieShockleePhotography: garlic chives (that survived the winter)
NatalieShockleePhotography: spicy globe basil
NatalieShockleePhotography: my strawberry plant
NatalieShockleePhotography: happy plants after the rain today
NatalieShockleePhotography: Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.
NatalieShockleePhotography: the beauty of plants
NatalieShockleePhotography: garden green ~ nothing better!
NatalieShockleePhotography: english lavender / purple sage
NatalieShockleePhotography: chocolate and citrus mint
NatalieShockleePhotography: “You do not write your life with words...You write it with actions. What you think is not important. It is only important what you do.”
NatalieShockleePhotography: lemon thyme, golden oregano and orange thyme
NatalieShockleePhotography: plants from the farmers market
NatalieShockleePhotography: english lavender
NatalieShockleePhotography: thai basil - one of my favorite types of basil to cook with!
NatalieShockleePhotography: beautiful mint plant
NatalieShockleePhotography: lemongrass plants