NatalieShockleePhotography: One of many NY pizza places
NatalieShockleePhotography: Late night pizza
NatalieShockleePhotography: from the inside looking out, or the outside looking in
NatalieShockleePhotography: holiday store front - new york
NatalieShockleePhotography: Textile Building
NatalieShockleePhotography: Throughout the night when there's no direct light and a thin veil of clouds keeps the stars out of sight
NatalieShockleePhotography: on the streets at night
NatalieShockleePhotography: slave to the traffic light
NatalieShockleePhotography: NYC at midnight -
NatalieShockleePhotography: ghost bus at midnight
NatalieShockleePhotography: now i'm gone and i'll never look back again...
NatalieShockleePhotography: light up the sky
NatalieShockleePhotography: Please come 'round here another day, sit yourself down when you're ready to stay
NatalieShockleePhotography: Hotel Chandler NYC
NatalieShockleePhotography: dark streets of new york
NatalieShockleePhotography: midnight shadows
NatalieShockleePhotography: Hard Hat Area - Midnight NYC
NatalieShockleePhotography: Street lamp light
NatalieShockleePhotography: blue night cityscape