myk[e]l: The wonderful sunrise party at #wonderfruitfest with @goldroom #24hourpartypeople
myk[e]l: Let's get this party started! #glamping
myk[e]l: if love is built not found it all comes back around then you can make a home out of me
myk[e]l: you can trip, flick a switch negative break the circuit between us but electricity lingers in our fingers
myk[e]l: Life goals. #babiesridebikes #fixie #njs #peloton #hedcycling
myk[e]l: Sun follows Moon until she tires then carries her until she's strong and runs ahead of him again
myk[e]l: para//el lines meet at infinity
myk[e]l: "There's no wifi here, but I promise you a better connection." #lightbro #findyourownroad
myk[e]l: In an alternate universe, there's a reality TV show where Malaysia and Singapore swap Prime Ministers for 1 year. #sayonly #ge2015 #coolingoff #bersih
myk[e]l: One ride concludes, another journey awaits. An unforgettable 2,000km on this baby. #findyourownroad #wearegoingawol
myk[e]l: there is a crack in everything that's how the light gets in
myk[e]l: #findyourownroad
myk[e]l: Go #Nipponham #Fighters!
myk[e]l: I cannot escape this #SG50 thing.
myk[e]l: I have never been so happy to see wooden barrels.
myk[e]l: "It struck me for the first time that islands are in fact small continents, and that continents are in turn no more than very large islands. This clearly outlined piece of land was quite perfect and yet lost at the same time, like the loose sheet of paper
myk[e]l: Warp speed on Route 106 #wearegoingawol #roadslikethese
myk[e]l: all I wanna do is eat McDonald's with you #wearegoingawol #lightbro
myk[e]l: AWOL = Adventures Without Limits #wearegoingawol
myk[e]l: the problem with the future is that it keeps turning into the present
myk[e]l: there, all is order and loveliness luxury, calm and voluptuousness
myk[e]l: rain doesn't know where to fall but the river always remembers its flow
myk[e]l: The days are long but the years are short.
myk[e]l: "what we needed were not words and promises but the steady accumulation of small realities."
myk[e]l: 原來開心和快樂是兩回事。 開心是因外界而產生的,是一時的; 而快樂是從心底涌出來的興奮,是長久的。 現在活著的你,是開心還是快樂呢?
myk[e]l: "This is not wanderlust, the overused malapropos used by millennials hell-bent on avoiding reality by travelling to exotic locales that seem to lack it."
myk[e]l: "Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you."
myk[e]l: 讓生命的流,載著 浮,沈。 不奮力掙扎,不強求方向。 讓岩石來劃傷,讓波濤都經過。 摩擦生出溫柔之後, 期待它 長成 真正的堅強。
myk[e]l: your fear of the leading light if they are with you and your heart won’t fail to see through a fearless eye and know that danger finally goes away still you’re trying but there’s no leaving now
myk[e]l: I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)