Eric Eggertson: Window Frost
Eric Eggertson: Finn & Sam Tobogganing
Eric Eggertson: Frost bench
Eric Eggertson: snowbricks2
Eric Eggertson: rockinghorse_snow
Eric Eggertson: Finn in snowsuit
Eric Eggertson: Snow Car
Eric Eggertson: Finn all bundled up
Eric Eggertson: Frost Bark
Eric Eggertson: Snow-covered son
Eric Eggertson: Submerged
Eric Eggertson: Still life with snow bank
Eric Eggertson: Playgrounds are under-used for half the year
Eric Eggertson: Wascana Creek first glaze of ice
Eric Eggertson: Finn takes Buffy and her new pal Spike for a walk
Eric Eggertson: Squirrels & bats - striking similarities