Eric Eggertson: Gunson - Northern Voice 2006
Eric Eggertson: Vancouver Northern Voice 2006
Eric Eggertson: Hartman - Northern Voice 2006
Eric Eggertson: Scoble - Vancouver Northern Voice 2006
Eric Eggertson: Pirillo & Hamilton - Northern Voice 2006
Eric Eggertson: Andre Charland - Moose Camp
Eric Eggertson: David Sifry on Leadership Hacks
Eric Eggertson: Podcasting Moose Camp
Eric Eggertson: Moose Camp Photo Camp
Eric Eggertson: Moose Camp Photo Camp
Eric Eggertson: Moose Camp Photo Camp
Eric Eggertson: Kris Krug - Photo Camp 2006
Eric Eggertson: Moose Camp's Low-tech Schedule
Eric Eggertson: Chris Pirillo Shows OSX 10 Running on a ThinkPad
Eric Eggertson: Chris Pirillo and Robert Scoble - Moose Camp
Eric Eggertson: Triss Hussey and Fred Fabro of Qumana
Eric Eggertson: Moose Camp Weenie Roast in the Park