Welshtog_: dog bike
Welshtog_: dog bike
Welshtog_: Family event
Welshtog_: John McGuiness
Welshtog_: John McGuiness
Welshtog_: Bike Manufacture
Welshtog_: Right Tit please John
Welshtog_: Radio TT with ?
Welshtog_: New Bike
Welshtog_: Radio TT with ?
Welshtog_: They walk among us
Welshtog_: He Lives!
Welshtog_: Rizzla
Welshtog_: Bike
Welshtog_: Come in #53 your time is up
Welshtog_: up up
Welshtog_: Cars @TT
Welshtog_: Cars @TT
Welshtog_: WALES! WALES!
Welshtog_: Helmut
Welshtog_: Give you wingss. I hope not!
Welshtog_: When one is not enough
Welshtog_: Ninja turbo
Welshtog_: Boost Valve
Welshtog_: Turbo!
Welshtog_: Warning Sticker
Welshtog_: Hard as nails!
Welshtog_: Ducati
Welshtog_: Traders
Welshtog_: Suns out