@mtsheppy: Squeak, squeak
@mtsheppy: Dragon and the malamute
@mtsheppy: IMG_8530
@mtsheppy: Camera whore
@mtsheppy: Photobomb fox
@mtsheppy: Aru?
@mtsheppy: Con Cam
@mtsheppy: Teach me to fabulous
@mtsheppy: Diego
@mtsheppy: Go GoPro
@mtsheppy: Gaaayyyy
@mtsheppy: IMG_8556
@mtsheppy: Fennec plank
@mtsheppy: Welcome to the Westin
@mtsheppy: That's not what that is for
@mtsheppy: Hugs!
@mtsheppy: Friendly humans
@mtsheppy: Give me paw
@mtsheppy: "Oh look, it's the Easter bunny!"
@mtsheppy: Ooh, pretty
@mtsheppy: I'm a actual flower
@mtsheppy: Planking
@mtsheppy: Fabulous Sass
@mtsheppy: Fox on my shoulders
@mtsheppy: Just resting
@mtsheppy: Pole dancing
@mtsheppy: Watchin' you, watchin' me
@mtsheppy: Oh lord what is...
@mtsheppy: IMG_8595
@mtsheppy: Lamper