MTGrizzly: Bales & Seeder
MTGrizzly: News On Ice
MTGrizzly: Spires of the Cathedral of St. Helena
MTGrizzly: Three Figures
MTGrizzly: Three Figures
MTGrizzly: Sunrise on the Plains
MTGrizzly: Dawn
MTGrizzly: Dawn at Freezeout Lake
MTGrizzly: Abandoned Flume
MTGrizzly: Gathering Storm
MTGrizzly: Christmas Day in Montana's Ruby Valley
MTGrizzly: Swan Peak
MTGrizzly: Tammy's Meadow
MTGrizzly: Swan Mountains
MTGrizzly: Flathead County Courthouse
MTGrizzly: Flathead County Courthouse
MTGrizzly: Canada Geese on the Missouri
MTGrizzly: Canada Geese in Flight
MTGrizzly: 10th Avenue Bridge
MTGrizzly: The Last Full Measure...
MTGrizzly: Lochsa River
MTGrizzly: Understatement
MTGrizzly: Snow Cliffs of Toyota
MTGrizzly: Ice Wave Breaking Over Toyota Beach
MTGrizzly: Aspens Along Woodworth Road – Winter
MTGrizzly: Aspens Along Woodworth Road - Fall
MTGrizzly: Gnarly tree
MTGrizzly: Clearwater River in Winter
MTGrizzly: Bend in the Clearwater
MTGrizzly: Snow Forest