mtbboy1993: DSC_0000_BURST20201201105331202-1
mtbboy1993: Trail Entry
mtbboy1993: Icy Stream Crossing
mtbboy1993: Muddy climb.
mtbboy1993: at the stream crossing looking to the south
mtbboy1993: path connecting Kongens gate & Østre Ringvei
mtbboy1993: path connecting Kongens gate & Østre Ringvei
mtbboy1993: The stream.
mtbboy1993: DSC_0003_BURST20201201110122655-1
mtbboy1993: DSC_0002_BURST20201201110121277
mtbboy1993: The steep section down from the parking lot.
mtbboy1993: DSC_0001_BURST20201201105944594
mtbboy1993: DSC_0000_BURST20201201110108894-1
mtbboy1993: at the top of the trail at the trailfork near the brown town houses.
mtbboy1993: at the top
mtbboy1993: At the bottom of the trail.
mtbboy1993: At the bottom of the trail.
mtbboy1993: At the top looking to thee right.
mtbboy1993: At the top.
mtbboy1993: At the top.
mtbboy1993: Exposure SixPack MK9
mtbboy1993: Akebakke
mtbboy1993: Akebakke
mtbboy1993: DSC_0000_BURST20201201110945586-1
mtbboy1993: Tursti
mtbboy1993: Tursti
mtbboy1993: Tursti
mtbboy1993: Destroyed bicycle - Diamant Legend size 180
mtbboy1993: Diamant Extreme Amaga
mtbboy1993: DSC_0003_BURST20201201110329781-1