Morton1905: 02. Scout car M3A1 Year 1944. (Model Italeri 1:35 no. 2316 ) The M3 Scout Car was an armored car in U.S. service during World War II. It was also known as the White Scout Car, after its manufacturer, the White Motor Company. It was used in various roles i
Morton1905: 4259 Muz Članu Predsedništva SFRJ drugu Sergeju Kraigheru proizvođači jugoslavenskog tenka maj 1984. godine Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske in Park vojaške zgodovine Pivka
Morton1905: 4257 Muz The Krupp 28-cm-Kanone 5 (E), in short K5 with the (E) signifying Eisenbahnlafette (railway car gun-mount) 2014 S 2339 PivkaMuz_012 Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske
Morton1905: 2015 S 2433 Bečov muzej_024 Model 1939 Mercedes-Benz 540K Spezial Roadster ?
Morton1905: 2015 S 2433 Bečov muzej_025 Model