grubi: The box
grubi: Powerbook G4
grubi: P6120007.JPG
grubi: Getting Started
grubi: P6120009.JPG
grubi: In her cradle.
grubi: P6120011.JPG
grubi: P6120012.JPG
grubi: She lives!
grubi: P6120015.JPG
grubi: Proud Papa
grubi: P6120020.JPG
grubi: The fresh desktop.
grubi: Me and Mikey at the Apple Store
grubi: My first Field Notes purchase.
grubi: P5010034
grubi: P5010035
grubi: P5010036
grubi: P5010037
grubi: P5010038
grubi: P5010039
grubi: P5010040
grubi: What I carry.
grubi: My iPhone home screen, end of Day 1
grubi: My family, my first wife, and me
grubi: Good grooming counts.
grubi: Cutey pie
grubi: Blurry boy retains cuteness.
grubi: Unerpants on the Head