GAMaxson: carpenter bee and Pontedaria
GAMaxson: Impatiens sp.
GAMaxson: Eryngium yuccifolium
GAMaxson: Liatris sp.
GAMaxson: Trypsacum dactyloides
GAMaxson: Helenium and honeybee
GAMaxson: Helenium sp.
GAMaxson: soldier beetle on sunflower
GAMaxson: Vernonia sp.
GAMaxson: bugshot at work
GAMaxson: blacklight focus
GAMaxson: burying beetle with phoretic mites
GAMaxson: tools of the trade
GAMaxson: cabin at Shaw
GAMaxson: taking it easy
GAMaxson: findings in the woods
GAMaxson: assembly hall
GAMaxson: wood stove and photographers
GAMaxson: bench and boardwalk
GAMaxson: boardwalk and pond
GAMaxson: sit for a spell
GAMaxson: myriapod calligraphy
GAMaxson: carpenter bee on Physostegia
GAMaxson: carpenter bee
GAMaxson: field discussion
GAMaxson: 95 degrees in the shade
GAMaxson: strolling through the prairie
GAMaxson: insect meadow
GAMaxson: Alex and lightbox
GAMaxson: butterfly landing