MNBG-E: 170505- A- FJ530- 015
MNBG-E: 170505- A- FJ530- 014
MNBG-E: 170505- A- FJ530- 013
MNBG-E: 170505- A- FJ530- 012
MNBG-E: 170505- A- FJ530- 011
MNBG-E: Setting the Scenario
MNBG-E: 170505- A- FJ530- 009
MNBG-E: 170505- A- FJ530- 008
MNBG-E: Communicating with the Platoon
MNBG-E: Observing the Scenario
MNBG-E: 170505- A- FJ530- 005
MNBG-E: 170505- A- FJ530- 004
MNBG-E: 170505- A- FJ530- 003
MNBG-E: Scanning the Screen
MNBG-E: Communication is Key