Miss Sentinelli: Bookcase
Miss Sentinelli: Old radio
Miss Sentinelli: Reflection
Miss Sentinelli: Pano version Sunset (on Flickr Explore)
Miss Sentinelli: Lines lines and lines
Miss Sentinelli: Foggy blue hour
Miss Sentinelli: Blue hour
Miss Sentinelli: I'm home!
Miss Sentinelli: Soo thirsty (In Explore)
Miss Sentinelli: Decay in the hallway
Miss Sentinelli: Chairs black and white
Miss Sentinelli: Take a seat
Miss Sentinelli: You can not see me!
Miss Sentinelli: Can i see your ticket please?
Miss Sentinelli: What's Cooking?!
Miss Sentinelli: Entrance
Miss Sentinelli: Dancing on the ceiling!
Miss Sentinelli: When nature takes over my twin windows....
Miss Sentinelli: Early morning swim
Miss Sentinelli: Give me a happy face, not an angry face!
Miss Sentinelli: When does the show start?
Miss Sentinelli: It's time to start metering the decay
Miss Sentinelli: The entrance room
Miss Sentinelli: Gynaecological Chair