misorefa: Chee cheong fun Monday. I like Chinta Manis' version.
misorefa: Yesterday.
misorefa: This jellyfish suffered a break in transmission somewhere.
misorefa: upload
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misorefa: The estate's new private pool - full when it's raining, empty when the sun's out.
misorefa: Things on the ground looking up at the sky.
misorefa: The only thriving plant in the house.
misorefa: Yesterday's haul from the parents' house - some history.
misorefa: 一言。
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misorefa: The VVG shops are quite lovely, though the prices can be pretty scary.
misorefa: I have a crochet instruction book for left-handers that I can't make head nor tail of. Today, YouTube taught me how to crochet a chain stitch.
misorefa: Last SOTD.
misorefa: Number 2.
misorefa: She wriggled for a fair bit then fell still, then wriggled some more. Rinse, repeat.
misorefa: It's been a while.
misorefa: Uni achievement unlocked!
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misorefa: upload
misorefa: Today, we learnt that Finn is probably left-handed and a rubber sword is useless as a weapon.
misorefa: Sometimes I spray water on my notebook to test ink waterproofness. Regretting this one.
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misorefa: upload
misorefa: It's a 奇蹟 to find love in my box of Qiji.
misorefa: Spent the week in a fog of rush and more rush. Thank you friends for coming down to Public Garden today and yesterday! Thanks for keeping us company in our varying states of silliness!